In memory of his son Karl, grieving father Tom Bancroft has set himself a tough physical challenge.

Tom will be cycling 187km in one day to raise money for our hospices, both of which cared for Karl.

Karl was 23 years old when he died in 2016 and had lived with the condition Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

During Karl’s life, the Bancroft family had accessed care support, respite and counselling at both Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith.

Karl Bancroft was a big rock music fan 

Much needed respite

Tom said: “Karl had stayed at Hope House and then at Tŷ Gobaith when it opened.

“They provided excellent care as well as much-needed respite for my wife and I. Karl became very popular there.”

In 2010, Tom undertook a 59 mile run across Wales from Tŷ Gobaith to Hope House but wanted to once again challenge himself for another extra special reason.

Tom explained: “Tŷ Gobaith provided counselling for us after Karl’s passing, which helped a lot, but I still struggle with having a purpose in life.

“I now have a three year-old grandson, Jenson who also has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

“Spending time with him is a double-edged sword.

“It is wonderful and he’s a very happy lad, but it reminds me of Karl and what is to come.

“This is why I decided to challenge myself again and raise money for the hospices and the work they do.”

L-R Jasmine (Jenson's mum), Jenson, Tom and wife Kerrie (Karl's mother)

Family support

Tom’s wife, Karl's mother, Kerrie will be supporting him on the day by coming along on the road with encouragement and supplies when he takes the challenge on Wednesday 20th March.

Looking ahead to the challenge, Tom said: “I’m a bit nervous but feeling fairly confident and just hope the weather is kind to us.”

Tŷ Gobaith fundraiser, Andy Everly has been supporting Tom in the build-up to the ride and said: “I greatly admire Tom for taking on the gruelling challenge of a 187km cycle ride in memory of Karl and to contribute to the future care of his grandson, Jensen.

“His unwavering determination is a testament to Tom's commitment to making a difference, not just for his own family, but for all the families we support."

Sponsor Tom here

Tom with his trusty bike at the starting point of Tŷ Gobaith