Hope House Children's Hospices is a charity registered with the Charity Commission in England: Charity number 1003859.

The Charity is overseen by a Board of Trustees comprising local individuals who give their time voluntarily. Day to day management is through a Senior Management Team.

The Charity is regulated by the Charity Commission and by the Care Quality Commission in England and Health Inspectorate Wales.

The Charity is also a UK registered company limited by guarantee company number 2588103.

Our Senior Management Team:

Chief Executive:

Andy Goldsmith

01691 671999

[email protected]

Director of Care:

Karen Wright

01691 671999

[email protected]

Director of Income Generation and Communications:

Simi Epstein

01691 671671

[email protected]

Director of Finance and Transformation:

Andrew Fergus

01691 672614

[email protected]

Learn about our Trustees