A father and son team are getting ready for the challenge of a lifetime when they take on our wing walking event

For Robert Hughes Parry, 64 of St Asaph, and his son Carey, the daring wing walk will hold very special significance as they will be remembering their nephew and cousin, Benjamin Davies.

Benjamin was just 19 years-old when he died after living with Muscular Dystrophy. Towards the end of his life, Benjamin had accessed care and respite facilities at Hope House and now Robert and Carey will be raising money for us.

Benjamin Davies

I knew we had to do it

Speaking of how it all came about, Robert, a retired architect said: “I was walking through Conwy with my fish and chips when I passed the Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith fundraising office and saw a poster in the window advertising the wing walk.

“When I woke up that morning, wing walking was the last thing on my mind. But when I saw the poster I knew we had to do it and I knew exactly who I could rope-in to do it with me.

“Hope House is a cause that is near and dear to our family’s heart.

“They provided invaluable support to Benjamin during the most difficult of times and now it’s our turn to show our appreciation.”

Carey currently lives in Vietnam and works as a school teacher there but will be making the long flight home to join his father for the event on the 12th July at Rendcomb Airfield Cirencester.

Robert is nervous but excited for the wing walk

Supporting local children

Robert continued: “Benjamin was also my Godson and we are doing the wing walk with full support of his parents Christine and Philip.

“I would never do anything like bungee jumping, so this will be a real nerve-wracking experience and we hope people will get behind us and donate whatever they can to help keep the hospices providing vital care and support to local children and families.”

Hope House and Ty Gobaith fundraiser, Nicky Eyes said: "I'll be there on the day supporting Robert and Carey and the rest of the wing walk heroes who are all doing something so amazing for the brave children we support.

“We can't thank you enough."

You can sponsor Robert and Carey via the Just Giving platform at https://www.justgiving.com/page/wingwalkingforben

Sign up for the wing walk here