Our supporter RBC Brewin Dolphin has become the first business to sign up to take on the £50 Challenge to raise money for us this March. 

The challenge offers schools, businesses or groups of any kind the opportunity to develop team spirit and entrepreneurial flair by seeing how much they can grow a £50 investment in just 50 days.

RBC Brewin Dolphin didn't waste any time signing up. 

Learn more about the £50 Challenge

They will be part of a first wave starting their challenge on the 6th March with a finishing date of 24th April

Our fundraiser Bekki said: “We are so grateful to our supporters at RBC Brewin Dolphin for becoming the first to sign up for the challenge, and to the others who have also started to join the list. We can't wait to see some of the creative ways people will choose to make their £50 grow. 

"Starting with an initial £50 investment from ourselves, we encourage and support groups to use their money to fundraise for us by hosting an event or even signing up to a sponsored sporting challenge to raise as much as possible for local children and families."

The company plans to do a bumper staff raffle and purchase some luxury items with their £50 investment. 

Sign up now to put your own fundraising skills to the test. How much will you raise in 50 days?