We are looking forward to hosting our first open day especially for nurses at Tŷ Gobaith on Tuesday 6th December.

The event, which takes place at our hospice just outside Conwy, will be an opportunity for nurses to take part in four training and development sessions and to find out more about nursing careers at Tŷ Gobaith

Head of Care Angharad Davies explained: “We are aiming this day at paediatric nurses, or adult nurses with paediatric experience, and also newly qualified student nurses.

“There will be four presentations which go towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and there will also be time to look around the hospice, meet staff, and find out more about the rewards and benefits of working for Tŷ Gobaith.

“It is an ideal opportunity for us to tell people why we love working here, to show them the fantastic facilities and also to dispel some of the myths that arise about working at a hospice.” 

The workshops and presentations will include: Naomi Tull, Clinical Practice Educator, with Tissue Viability in Children with Life Limiting Conditions; Pam Mathias, Deputy Head of Care, with Symptom Management at End of Life; Esme Turner, Lead Physiotherapist, with The Recognition and Management of Respiratory Conditions in Children with Severe Neurological Impairment; and Kate Maw, Head of Quality and Assurance, with Care Assessment and Planning. 

The day is free to attend and includes lunch and a goodie bag. Anyone who would like to attend should sign up here online or call Tŷ Gobaith on 01492 651900.