The Tywyn Friends of Tŷ Gobaith Group hosted a very successful Steam & BBQ event recently

At 7pm on Saturday 24th June, a packed steam train took 97 guests along the beautiful Talyllyn Mountain Railway in Gwynedd to Abergynolwyn where they enjoyed live music, barbecue food and a grand raffle.

Anita Inman has been a member of the group for four year and helped organise the event, she said: "It was a lovely, lovely evening. We were very lucky with the weather.

"We set off from Tywyn Wharf station and headed the seven miles to Abergynolwyn where guests enjoyed live music a fantastic barbecue and the grand raffle draw before heading back down the track at 9.30pm into the sunset."

Local generosity

Local businesses had generously donated prizes for the raffle which alone raised over £1,000 for our hospices.

Anita continued: "We had been running the raffle around the town for a month or so before and there were prizes such as a night away for two in a shepherd's hut and many vouchers for local shops.

"In total we raised £2,281 with the event."

How group started

The Tywyn Friends of Tŷ Gobaith has been running for some 16 years now and was set up by founder and former Chairperson, Greta Lee.

Greta's late granddaughter was cared for at Ty Gobaith during her battle with cancer.

Speaking of the Group, Anita said: "I met Greta about four years ago at church and she introduced me to the Friends Group.

"Greta used to put on big cabaret evenings at Neuadd Pendre in the town and we have regular coffee mornings, a presence on the local market and host bigger events like our upcoming skittles night in October.

"There is a group of 15 of us now and we all find it very satisfying to raise money for this wonderful cause."

Importance of Friends

Tŷ Gobaith fundraising Team Leader, Sarah Ritchie said: "The importance of Friends groups such as Tywyn cannot be underestimated.

"Their dedication and community spirit is incredible and valuable contributions really do help us keep providing much-needed care and respite for seriously ill local children and their families.

"The Steam & BBQ event was a great success and we send a big thank you to everybody involved.

"We look forward to working together again in the near future."