Wales’ two children’s hospices - Tŷ Gobaith and Tŷ Hafan – have today welcomed news that we have been successful in our applications for the Welsh Government’s Bereavement Grant.

Of the £3million made available by the Welsh Government, Tŷ Hafan will receive £113,250 and Tŷ Gobaith £143,392, which will allow our hospices to expand our bereavement services and ensure no family experiences the death of their child without the support, advice and care they need.

Our hospices support bereaved families in a way that is most suitable for each family member, either individually or in a group setting. We understand that families may not feel like sharing thoughts and feelings, even with their own family and friends, but our skilled teams are here to listen and help families make sense of their emotions.

Tŷ Gobaith supports families in Mid and North Wales who have been affected by the death of a baby, child or young person up to the age of 25 years when they died, in any circumstances. Tŷ Hafan provides bereavement support for families across South and West Wales. Both hospices offer support for as long as families need it.

Speaking of the announcement, Chief Executive of Tŷ Gobaith Andy Goldsmith said: “We are grateful to the Welsh Government for listening to the views of the sector and putting this package in place. We look forward to working with them, and other providers of bereavement support, to ensure a joint approach is taken so that care, support and advice is readily available and free at the point of service.

“Nobody should experience the loss of their child without adequate support and this funding will ensure that is available, wherever they are across Wales.”

Chief Executive of Tŷ Hafan Maria Timon Samra said: “Thank you to Deputy Minister Lynne Neagle for this funding which will ensure those families that are facing the unimaginable do not go through that experience alone.

“We are immensely proud of our bereavement and counselling services, which we know make a big difference to the families we support. Such services are an invaluable part of Tŷ Hafan’s holistic offer and this funding will allow us to develop them further, to the benefit of those who need them the most.”