Some of our long-serving members of staff have been praised for their dedication at a special awards ceremony.

Staff attended an afternoon tea at The Sweeney Country House Hotel, near Oswestry, where they were presented with a certificate and a gift in thanks of their long service in helping support seriously ill local children and their families.

There were three staff members receiving their 25-year awards, one getting a 20-year award, six handed 15-year awards and five who have been with the charity for a decade, totaling approximately 235 years of collective service.

The staff come from departments right across the organisation, including care, hospitality, retail, fundraising, counselling, people and resources and senior management.


Our Chair of Trustees Steve Henly has praised the commitment of those who have been with the charity for so long.

“We’re extremely grateful for all the hard work put in by our dedicated staff who have been recognised at this event,” he said.

“Their vital contribution makes a real difference to the lives of children and families who rely on the support of Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith Children’s Hospices.

“Their ongoing commitment to our organisation shows how much they enjoy being part of such a special team and value the work we do.

“People are at the heart of everything we do at Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith and we can’t thank our wonderful staff enough for the kindness and compassion they show on a daily basis.”

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