We were visited recently by the friends and family of Megs Whieldon who have been doing some impressive fundraising.

Megs, from Dyserth, Denbighshire had been attending Tŷ Gobaith for therapy sessions since February 2020 and died in March of this year.

Her younger brother, Dan, continues to attend music therapy sessions at the hospice.

Parents, Sue and David have held multiple well-supported events in their community in memory of their daughter and to support our hospices, raising over £10,000 in total.

Best of friends

Most recently it was two close friends of Megs’ who raised a superb £1,715 with a tasty event at Dyserth’s Community Hall.

Marian Williams, 13, and Sarah Mcewen, 14, who have both been life-long friends of the Whieldon family organised a coffee morning and cake sale on 16th July as part of our Eat Cake week.

It was enjoyed by the very generous local community who turned out in droves and dug deep with donations and purchases of the many tasty treats on offer.

The girls, along with Sue Whieldon recently visited Tŷ Gobaith to present staff with a cheque for the money raised and for a tour of the facilities to see exactly where the funds they raise go.

Sue said: “I met the girls’ parents at baby and toddler groups when they were all young and we have been inseparable ever since.

“We have enjoyed holidays together and watched them grow up together.

“They were such good friends to Megs and we are so lucky to have them.

“What they are doing is incredible and we are so proud of them.

“They have really helped to keep us busy.”

The event at the Community Hall attracted over 100 people and the girls organised a raffle, lucky dip, face painting and craft stalls to go along with the cakes.

Community spirit

Speaking of the event, Marian and Sarah said: “We think the whole village turned out and we even ran out of raffle tickets and had to get more.

“It’s been great to see the hospice and it’s much bigger and more relaxed than we thought.

“We thought it might be more like a hospital, but it’s not and the light and projection room is very cool.”

Sue continued: “Having the hospice to come to with Megs when she left us was just amazing.

“To be able to read her stories and be together as a family in such a beautiful, tranquil space allowed us to grieve properly.”

Our fundraiser, Laura Ellis-Bartlett has worked closely with the family and said: “It’s been a pleasure to work with Sue, Dave, Marian and Sarah.

“The day was such a success and it is inspirational to see the dedication they put in and the amazing support they receive in the community.

“We look forward to working with them in the future and assisting them in every way we can.”

Marian and Sarah are planning more events in the coming months.

You can see the fundraising page in Megs’ memory here for updates.