A brand new Friends Group has been established in Mold.

Brought together by former Mayor Haydn Jones, the group is now seeking new members to assist in fundraising activities.

Aided by his wife, Liz Jones and our long-time supporter David Rowe, they are aiming to increase awareness of the work we do and host inclusive events for the community to get behind and enjoy.

(L-R) Haydn Jones, our fundraiser Vanessa Marubbi and David Rowe launch the group in Mold town centre

Whole family can benefit

Haydn said: “We had come to realise just how many people locally support the hospices, and having the wonderful shop on the High Street brings a great profile.

“But, there are many families still out there who maybe feel unsure if they could access the services that Hope House Tŷ Gobaith provide.

“We have seen how a whole family can benefit from respite, not just the chid, and felt a Friends Group would be a great way to reach out to more local families and bring them together.

“It’s also a nice way to help raise funds through charitable events that the community can enjoy.”

David, who has been involved with supporting the hospices for over 15 years, said: “We feel it’s important that people can reach out to contact us, even if just for more information or to act as a bridge between the families and hospices.

“We will be holding monthly meetings and using our public facing work to help raise funds.

“We encourage anybody who can to come forward and join us.”

The opening of our Mold shop in October 2022 with Haydn Jones cutting the ribbon

Mold saw the opening of our new shop on the High Street in October 2022 which has proved a great success.

Fundraiser Vanessa Marubbi said: “We value our network of Friends Groups across North Wales, Cheshire and Shropshire so much.

“They really contribute a lot both financially and in keeping knowledge of our work strong in the community.

“We would like to thank Haydn, Liz and David so much for setting up the Mold Friends and would encourage anybody with a little spare time to come forward and join them in supporting seriously ill children and their families across the area.”

Get involved

If you would like to join the Mold Friends of Hope House Tŷ Gobaith you can email Haydn on [email protected] or David on [email protected]

There are further amazing Friends Groups that you could join across the area in Tywyn, Corwen, Wrexham, Telford, Llanfyllin, Ellesmere, Llandrindod, Oswestry, Llŷn Peninsular, Church Stretton and Bayston Hill, the vast majority of which can be found on Facebook.