Supermarket Morrisons has raised £1 million for charity partner Together for Short Lives and children’s hospices like us. 

Together for Short Lives is the only charity supporting the UK’s children’s hospices, including Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith.

Our fundraiser Sarah Ritchie said: "It has been great working with Morrisons and Together for Short Lives and seeing all the creative ways in which their stores and staff have been able to fundraise to help support seriously ill local children. 

"We'd like to thank them for their brilliant effort and boundless enthusiasm in raising money to help us ensure that we are there for every child and family that needs us." 

You can donate here

Together for Short Lives CEO, Andy Fletcher said: "The creativity and enthusiasm shown by Morrisons colleagues up and down the country during the first four months of our partnership has been just amazing! A huge thank you from Together for Short Lives to everyone who has worked so hard to reach the £1 million milestone - it will make such a difference to families caring for a seriously ill child."

Morrisons CEO, David Potts said: "We’re pleased to have reached the £1 million milestone for Together for Short Lives. Our colleagues and customers are passionate about raising vital funds for local children’s hospices so that they can provide seriously ill children and their families with opportunities to spend very highly valued time together."