Our new store on Mold High Street was officially opened on Saturday by two special guests.

The White family who's son Lewis accesses care services at Hope House were joined by the Mayor of Mold, Haydn Jones.

After months of preparation and recruitment, the doors of the shop were thrown open to a queue of eager shoppers with Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith retail area manager, Lindy Welch saying: “We want to thank the people of Mold for the amazing support they have shown us.

“It was a pleasure to welcome the White family and the Mayor today to help us celebrate the achievement of our staff and volunteers in getting the shop ready for opening.

“They have all been amazing and we are looking forward to becoming a real part of the High Street and community in Mold.”

Best of luck

Mayor Haydn Jones said: “I was honoured to be asked to officially open the new Hope House and Ty Gobaith store in Mold.

“It was good to see so many officials and volunteers supporting the new venture and I am delighted to support this cause which is dependent on the goodwill of people to make sure that round-the-clock care is available for families in the area who need it. 

“I would like to wish all the team at Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith shop, the very best of luck.”

If you would like to volunteer some of your time at the new store, then pop-in and speak to store manager Sian Jones or look for the volunteer form on the Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith website.