A man who walked an incredible 1,818 miles across America to raise £9,500 for us has been welcomed back to the hospice for the first time since he touched down back on home soil.

Paul Edwards, from Wrexham, started his walk in early January walked to raise money and support seriously ill local children every day for three months.

Paul, an experienced hiker, had intended to walk 3,000 miles but made the choice to stop his trek early. On the flight home, he was welcomed by Virgin Atlantic flight attendant Charlotte Thompson in America, whose daughter Amelia receives care at Hope House.

A wonderful surprise

“I couldn’t believe it when Charlotte told me who she was,” said Paul. “Being halfway across the world and meeting someone who uses Hope House was one heck of a coincidence. Thank you Charlotte for looking after me.”

It wasn’t just Paul who was surprised by the coincidence.

“What a stroke of luck that I was scheduled onto the very flight that Paul decided to book on,” said Charlotte.

“We as a family are hugely grateful to Paul for raising money for Hope House, so that families like us can get the care and support we need. I’m so glad we were able to make his flight back a little bit more special.”

Paul visited Hope House for a special morning of thanks for all his efforts where he met with Chief Executive Andy Goldsmith, Head of Trustees Steve Henly and Deputy Head of Trustees Barbara Evans, as well as Charlotte and other members of staff.

Paul was presented with a special Canvas signed by staff and children from the hospice.

Thank you

Fundraiser Cat Dowdeswell said: “We’d like to thank Paul for all his incredible effort in walking across America, it really was a huge undertaking and he’s raise such a wonderful amount of money.

“Without our dedicated supporters like Paul we simply would not be here for all the children and families when they need us the most.

“The scale of this walk was absolutely phenomenal and it’s almost impossible to really understand the depth of physical and mental strength Paul had to deliver to complete a staggering 1,818 miles.

“Everyone has followed his journey with amazement and words don’t really convey how honoured we are that Paul chose to fly our flag so far away from home.

“Paul has raised more than £33,000 over recent years. These funds translate to much-needed respite and support for so many families supported at both our hospices. Thank you Paul.”

You can still sponsor Paul by donating here