A huge thank you and well done to four Shropshire solicitors who completed Clun Valley Challenge on a sizzling Saturday, raising more than £400 to support local families who use our hospices.

On Saturday 11th May, a team from PCB Solicitors completed the Clun Valley Challenge. Solicitors Adam Hawkes, Anna Jones, Helen Barrett and Ryan Bickham took on the Shropshire Hills trek choosing either the 16 or 26-mile trek. The walk started and finished at St George's CofE Academy, in Clun, and consisted of tracks, bridleways, footpaths and roads.

Managing Partner Ryan said that the walk through the hilly Shropshire landscape was hard going. 

He said: “It was a rigorous trek but incredibly worthwhile, not just as a test of our endurance, but also a chance to make a real difference. We were spurred on by the amazing support, and lots of Haribo!”

“It was really hot. Myself, Anna and Adam changed to the 16-mile route at the checkpoint and Helen did 26 miles. There was a lot of ascending and descending, over 800 metres gain just on the 16 miles, which made it incredibly hard work.”

Ryan, who has also signed up for the Shrewsbury 10k, said there's now no time to rest on his laurels.

“I need to start training for the Shrewsbury 10k now, so I can’t rest too long.

We're raising funds for Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith a cause very close to our hearts and every donation, big or small, helps tremendously!”

The four have reached their original target of £400, and are looking to exceed this.

Fundraiser Bekki Fardoe said: “A huge congratulations to PCB Solicitors for taking on the challenge in scorching temperatures.

“PCB solicitors have been supporting us since 2022, when they chose us as their local charity of the year, and have continued the support ever since. 

“In 2022, they did the Yorkshire Three Peaks, 2023 they did Ludlow 10k and this year they took on the Clun Valley Walking Challenge. Some of the team are now preparing for Shrewsbury 10k which is in July. 

“Support from businesses such as PCB helps us to provide local children with life-threatening conditions and their families with the care and support they need.”

Sponsor Team PCB