We have become the first healthcare provider in the country to be recognised nationally for our use of the Welsh language.  

We have been awarded the Cynnig Cymraeg from the Welsh Language Commissioner, thanks to our extensive and vital work in being able to offer specialist healthcare to the families and seriously ill children who use our services in Welsh.  

During a virtual session at the Eisteddfod AmGen, on Thursday, August 5, we will launch the Cynnig Cymraeg with the Welsh Language Commissioner.

Welsh language provision is vital

Kelly Hughes, fundraiser, said: “Tŷ Gobaith is a local charity and using Welsh is vital for us to feel close to our communities.  

“We have families from both North Wales and Mid Wales, and many of them are Welsh speakers. We strive to ensure that Welsh-speaking carers and nurses look after those families. 

“The Cynnig Cymraeg from the Commissioner is a way of showing that we are committed to offering a Welsh language service to the families who come here.” 

Bedwyr is a six-year-old boy from Llanrwst who has a rare genetic condition Coffin-Siris Syndrome which causes significant learning difficulties and he needs tube feeding for all liquids as he finds it difficult to swallow, as well as respiratory problems and no language.   

Being able to offer our services in Welsh was of great value to his family.  

Hugley important

His mum, Nerys, said: “Bedwyr goes to the hospice for a respite four times a year, and we, as parents, and his brother also rely on Tŷ Gobaith for advice, support and counselling.  

“All support takes place through the medium of Welsh. Welsh is the language of our home and the language of the school, and so having that consistency in the language is crucial for Bedwyr when visiting Tŷ Gobaith.  

“It is also important for us as a family, and easier for us to express ourselves and our concerns in our first language, especially when discussing difficult and matters very close to our hearts.” 

The Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Language Offer) is the Commissioner's recognition of businesses and charities with which he has worked to develop the use of the Welsh language and was launched in June 2020. 

Cynnig Cymraeg

Awel Trefor, Hybu Officer with the Commissioner, said: “The Cynnig Cymraeg enables businesses and charities to let service users, volunteers and customers know exactly what is offered in Welsh.  

“We plan and work with organisations to help them create a Welsh language development plan and set targets. Organisations can submit their Cynnig Cymraeg to us for official recognition and then they can use the Cynnig Cymraeg logo. 

“The reason for holding this session as part of the Eisteddfod AmGen is to bring people’s attention to Tŷ Gobaith’s work and to the importance of providing healthcare services in Welsh. We also want to encourage other charities to work with us and to develop their own Cynnig Cymraeg.” 

You can watch the session on the National Eisteddfod’s website and social media at 11.30 on August 5 here