A brave team took on the formidable SAS Fan Dance march across Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) raising £500. 

The team of 10, who work together at Americold in Whitchurch, conquered the gruelling 24km trek which is infamous within the ranks of all UK Special Forces. 

Staged over Pen y Fan the highest mountain in Bannau Brycheiniog the team, led by team Steve O’Connor, followed the route which climbed the peak twice with an overall ascent of 1,300 metres.

A tough challenge

“The route is steep, over rough ground and has been used by the Special Forces since the 1950s as it is not only a physical test but also tests resilience and really breaches into the mental aspects of fitness,” said Steve.

“In all, we spent seven hours out on the hills, and luckily the weather was very kind to us.  For some, it was their first time out in the wild country away from civilisation. It was a tough day but it wetted the appetites of some for more wild challenges.

“Everyone settled into the march and looked after each other and after a quick stop at the halfway point we all turned around and headed back for our second ascent of Pen y Fan.”

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The challenge was completed in aid of both Hope House and Midlands Air Ambulance, with £1,000 raised in total.

Our fundraiser, Cat, said: “We are so very fortunate to have such amazing supporters who really put themselves out there for the sake of the children and families in our care. This Fan Dance is another example of a group of individuals with huge hearts who wanted to do something memorable for our children’s hospices.

“We cannot thank Steve and the team for undertaking such a gruelling challenge. Over 80% of our income comes from epic feats like these and on behalf of so many families across Shropshire, Cheshire, North and Mid Wales who regard Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith as a lifeline, we salute you.”