Work colleagues of Freya's dad Ben are pulling on their trainers and walking boots and walking four million steps to support us.

About 20 members of staff from Marley Risk Consultants Ltd will have to walk about 200,000 steps each throughout the month of March to complete their challenge.

Freya was born with a life-threatening condition and visits Hope House for care.

An amazing place

“Freya isn’t expected to live a full life and we just don’t know how long we have got with her,” said Ben’s wife Georgie.

“It does make us value every day more and want to get the best out of every moment. But there is no way we could do that without the help of the Hope House team, they really are amazing.”

Read Freya's Story

Sally Carson, HR Manager at Marley Risk Consultants Ltd said: “We are doing a whole year of fundraising for Freya and Hope House, and this challenge is just the first.

“Ben gives absolutely everything at work and at home with his family and we have been able to see what amazing work the hospice does for the family and we wanted to raise some money and support the charity the best we can.”

Donate to the group's Go Fund Me page

Fundraiser Sarah Ritchie said: “Without amazing support from the community we simply wouldn’t be able to be here for children and families like Freya’s.

“We thank the team at Marley Risk Consultants Limited for their support and wish them luck for the rest of this challenge and look forward to seeing what wonderful fundraising ideas they have for the rest of the year.”