A popular video game streamer from Llandudno is hosting a special event this Saint David’s Day to raise funds for our hospices

John Harper aka ‘Johnny Beard’ is hosting his second annual day-long live stream of gaming and wacky entertainment on the influential Twitch platform alongside 53 of his contemporaries from across Wales from 10am on March 1st.

With his team of super streamers, Johnny will be asking viewers to make whatever donation they can to the charity via the Just Giving platform as they enjoy the entertainment.

A lifelong video gamer, in 2022 the 33 year-old employment specialist hosted the event Dathlu Twitch Cymru (Celebrate Twitch Wales) and raised a brilliant £5,000, but this year with nearly double the team members is hoping to top that total.

Blew up on social media

Johnny said: “I’m originally from Knowsley but have lived in Wales nearly all my life.

“I’m very proud of Wales and wanted to do something to celebrate Welsh streamers whilst helping a worthwhile cause.

“I scrambled together a team of all the Welsh streamers I could and started looking for a charity that benefitted people in Wales and across the border.

“When I discovered the work of Tŷ Gobaith and Hope House, I thought ‘yes’, this has to be the charity for us.”

Last year’s event was very popular indeed and by 8pm in the evening the stream team had hit the £3,000 mark.

Johnny continued: “After I created the initial poster, it just blew-up on social media and I was contacted by so many people wanting to get involved.

“It was a massive highlight of the year for me and I felt a huge wave of Welsh pride.”

Wide variety of entertainment

Viewers can expect a wide array of gaming, cosplay, music and other entertainment across the day and the crowdfunding event will bounce or ‘raid’ between different hosts throughout the day with presenters urging their viewers to donate.

A sure highlight is set to be South Wales Twitch star ‘That Tourettes Gamer’ who has over 9,000 followers and 217,000 watched hours of content.

Johnny’s own wife, Sue, aka ‘Punch it Sue’ will even be doing a slot.

You can join the fun at https://www.twitch.tv/johnny_beard from 10am on March 1st as Johnny kicks it off and also find him on Twitter @johnny_beard42 for updates leading up to the event.

Good luck, Johnny!