A super-fit widower from Abergele is taking on the Conwy Half Marathon in aid of our hospices on Sunday 20th November.

Dennis Smith, 78, a keen runner who has 300 of the 5km Park Runs under his belt has not ran a half marathon for 21 years but has been putting in the miles training across North Wales recently.

Dennis said: “I lost my wife Barbra earlier this year and was caring for her at home as she’d had Parkinson’s disease.

“Since she passed away I have been able to train more and wanted to do something for a worthwhile local cause.

Practise runs

“I run regularly with an informal group in Menai Bridge, we’re all retired or approaching retirement, and I also do the Park Runs every week in Bangor.

“I’m looking forward to the race but don’t think it will be easy as it’s a tough course.

“I’ve just completed an 11 mile practise session with a friend from my running group so training is going well.

“I’ll be running with my friend Ilona Kurta who is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and we’re hoping to raise a good amount of money for the hospices to help with some new equipment for the children and families.”

Dennis has set up a Just Giving page for sponsors to contribute to his fundraising efforts which can be found here https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/dennis-smith6. Everything he raises will be doubled as part of our Final Moments Matter campaign on November 2oth and 21st. 

Good luck Dennis and Ilona.