Tŷ Gobaith has been kitted out with all the latest interactive technology 

Thanks to a generous donation from national charity Lifelites, who specialise in providing cutting-edge technology to empower children with enhanced needs, children at the hospice can better experience their hobbies and creative interests.

Elsi enjoys the POD Tent and an underwater theme with sound effects

Amazing technology

In an updated package worth over £27,000 to compliment and replace current tools, Tŷ Gobaith received equipment such as:

  • Specially adapted i-Pads
  • Eye Gaze computer systems which allows a child to control a mouse with only their eyes and select games and videos
  • An Interactive tilt table which acts like a touch screen blackboard for learning and digital arts that adapts to any height or angle to allow children to play with their friends no matter what their physical position
  • Switch toys which allow the operator to remotely control moving toys with just the use of a soft touch button or other easy to use controller
  • A POD tent which inflates in seconds and can be used anywhere to provide a calming environment of music and visuals

Amelie interacts with one of the moving Switch Toys

Making memories

At a special unveiling ceremony after the instillation of the equipment, Activities Lead at the hospice, Diane Lloyd said: “We as a hospice are very grateful to the donors who provide this equipment, training and upkeep free of charge.

“It provides the children and families with this a fantastic opportunity communicate, play be creative or be immersed in another world, it gives them control using the power of technology.”

The technology comes with a package of maintenance and care over four years after which Lifelites aim to update or replace the kit.

Some of the interactive Switch Toys

Chief Executive of Lifelites, Rob Lightfoot said: “We are delighted to continue our partnership with Tŷ Gobaith.

“As the needs of the children and families using their services change and become more complex, Lifelites has responded by providing an extensive package of the latest assistive technology.

“With almost 25 years’ experience, we know that these technologies will empower children and young people with life-limiting conditions to engage and interact with the people they love and enjoy the world they live in.

“We hope that this support helps them to create many joyful memories.”