Our head of care at Tŷ Gobaith, Angharad Davies will be tackling the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge with friends next month to raise funds for the hospices.

She will be taking the 26 mile hike up and down Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough mountains on Saturday 8th October with her husband, Noel and eight friends.

The team are hoping to complete the walk which lies in the Ribble Valley in the Pennines, in under 12 hours and have been training hard in the Clwydian Range and parts of Snowdonia with walks of up to 18 miles.

Angharad said: “My friend Llinos decided we should do the challenge to support the hospices and raise some funds to help support local children and families.

“We’re looking forward to it and have been racking up the miles over the last few weekends on Moel Famau, Moel Eilio and Moel Siabod to help get conditioned.”

The route includes 1,585m of ascent, a feat that will require quite some fuel.

“We’ve been advised to take lots of Jelly Babies and jam sandwiches,” said Angharad.

The team of six will be staying over the night before at a local B&B so they can start walking at 6am.

Angharad joked: “I think we can do it in the 12 hours – I’m certainly not walking anymore.”

To support the team in their effort head to their Just Giving page and sponsor them.