Father’s family-friendly treasure hunt A volunteer who has given many hours to our hospices is hosting a family-friendly fundraising treasure hunt. Martyn Rice from Abergele began his relationship with us after his family were able to access our Snowflake Suite at Tŷ Gobaith when their son Shaun died in 2012. Shaun was 20 years old and had Leukaemia. Proud dad Martyn said: “When we lost Shaun, a nurse at the hospital told us about Tŷ Gobaith and the Snowflake Suite. “It is such a wonderful facility and allowed us to say our goodbyes to Shaun and to grieve properly surrounded by things he loved. “He was a huge film buff and was even studying it at university, so we were able to put his favourite films on for hm.” Giving back Having accessed our counselling services and always attending our annual Snowflake Ceremony, Martyn has since become a leader on our Bereaved Parents Group which runs courses of talking therapy at our Conwy Court site. A nurse of 40 years’ experience, Martyn said: “I had met Jane Gibbins from the counselling team and offered to help in any way I could to show my gratitude. “We have just finished a six-week run of sessions for bereaved parents after a two year break and I really got a lot out of facilitating it. “We have also recently completed a video speaking about grief from a father’s perspective.” See Martyn's video here Treasure Hunt Martyn is a dab hand at treasure hunts having organised several in the past. The event on Saturday 27th August will start at 10:30am at Pantri Bach café on the promenade in Abergele (behind the train station). “There will be around 60 clues, some more tricky than others, but not too tough, and players will go down the prom, through the town and also Parc Mawr. “It is fully accessible to pushchairs and wheelchairs and will cost £5 per adult to enter with children under 14 going free, it should take two to three hours to complete.” To register, email: [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences