Children from the Hope House Sibling Support group enjoyed the thrills and spills of white water rafting this week

The group with instructor Connor (left) before setting off

Brothers and sisters of young people who access the hospice's care services were treated to an adrenaline-packed morning at the National White Water Centre, Bala on Monday 21st August.

After being fitted out for their wetsuits, helmets and buoyancy aids, the group of six were taken through the techniques by instructor, Connor, before hitting the fast-flowing River Tryweryn for three unforgettable rides.

Mary and Brian our Sibling Support team escorted the group on the day.

Mary said: “It’s so wonderful to be able to bring the children on adventures like this.

“Quite often they may be a little shy initially, but then throughout the day their confidence and smiles grow, which is beautiful to see.”

Here’s a round-up of pictures from the day.

The group get a real soaking as they go under a wave

The smile says it all as they exit the water

Concentrating hard on the pre-river instructions

In the swim