Our mission is to give every local child with a life-threatening condition and their family access to professional care and improve their quality of life from the point of diagnosis. Currently, in some areas of Mid and North Wales, Shropshire and Cheshire we are reaching as few as one in seven of the children and families who could use our services. 

This Children’s Hospice Week we need your help to #ReachEveryChild by:


If families know about the services we offer they can make an informed choice about accessing help. Please click on a digital poster below and either share on your social media, by email or print out and share with your networks and communities. 



If you live in Wales, please download this letter template and email or write to your local Senedd Member to let them know how important you feel it is to sustainably fund hospice care for children with life-threatening conditions in your community.  [Find your local MS’s details here]

Download template letter for MSs>


If you live in England, please download this letter template and email or write to your local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to let them know how important you feel it is to sustainably fund hospice care for children with life-threatening conditions in your community.

Download template letter for PPCs>

On Tuesday June 18th we will be on the steps of the Senedd at Cardiff Bay with our colleagues from Ty Hafan to unveil a huge piece of butterfly artwork for Children’s Hospice Week. The stunning butterfly, which poignantly represents the children we currently reach and those we want to reach, has been made by children and volunteers at our hospices. Please come and join us if you are in Cardiff between 10.30am and 12.30pm, or watch out for us on social media! #ReachEveryChild